
New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2016

The new organ (op. 632) in the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic Hall (Ukraine) took from 2009 to 2016 because of the civil wars in the immediate vicinity of the city.

After delivery of the organ in 2012, the construction could not be continued, as the Philharmonic remained a construction site. Only in 2016, after four years of storage in the Philharmonie, the construction and voicing were completed.

Since then, the organists have had 70 stops on four manuals and pedal, with mechanical key action as well as electric stop action with setting device and 10,000 storage spaces in four lockable areas at their disposal for organ concerts.

organ pipes
Project Progress
finished in 2016 100%
stop list
I. Rückpositiv
  1. Principal 8′
  2. Gedackt 8′
  3. Quintade 8′
  4. Octave 4′
  5. Violflöte 4′
  6. Sesquialtera II
  7. Superoctave 2′
  8. Quinte 1 1/3′
  9. Scharff IV
  10. Dulcian 16′
  11. Cromorne 8′
II. Hauptwerk
  1. Principal 16′
  2. Principal 8′
  3. Flûte harmonique 8′
  4. Gambe 8′
  5. Bordun 8′
  6. Octave 4′
  7. Blockflöte 4′
  8. Quinte 2 2/3′
  9. Superoctave 2′
  10. Cornett V
  11. Mixtur V
  12. Cymbel III
  13. Trompete 16′
  14. Trompete 8′
III. Positiv
  1. Viola di Pomposa 16′
  2. Suavial 8′
  3. Flûte traversière 8′
  4. Lieblich Gedackt 8′
  5. Aeoline 8′
  6. Fugara 4′
  7. Flûte octaviante 4′
  8. Flautino 2′
  9. Piccolo 1′
  10. Harmonia aetherea III-IV
  11. Cor anglais 16′
  12.  Echotrompete 8′
  13. Voix humaine 8′


IV. Schwellwerk
  1. Bordun 16′
  2. Geigenprincipal 8′
  3. Bordun 8′
  4. Salicional 8′
  5. Voix céleste 8′
  6. Principal 4′
  7. Flauto dolce 4′
  8. Viola 4′
  9. Nassat 2 2/3′
  10. Nachthorn 2′
  11. Terz 1 3/5′
  12.  Progressio IV
  13. Fagott 16′
  14. Trompette harmonique 8′
  15. Oboe d’amore 8′
  16. Clairon 4′


  1. Untersatz 32′
  2. Principal 16′
  3. Subbass 16′
  4. Bordun 16′
  5. Violon 16′
  6. Octavbass 8′
  7. Cello 8′
  8. Bassflöte 8′
  9. Principal 4′
  10. Hohlflöte 4′
  11. Mixtur IV
  12. Contra-Posaune 32′
  13. Posaune 16′
  14. Fagott 16′
  15. Trompete 8′
  16. Clairon 4′