
New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2016

The new organ (op. 632) in the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic (Ukraine) was completed by our traditional workshop in 2016. Since then, 70 stops on four manuals and pedal, with mechanical key action and electric stop action with setting system and 10,000 storage spaces in four lockable areas have been available to organists for organ concerts.

This concert hall organ unites the tonal worlds of the German Baroque and Romantic traditions in a special way. It is not a universal instrument, but combines two independent organ systems that can be used both separately and in harmonic interplay. The Rückpositiv combines elements of northern, middle and neo-baroque styles and enables a clear, radiant sound, while the Hauptwerk represents the depth and richness of German Romanticism with a well-balanced stoplist. This is complemented by a versatile Schwellwerk with French reeds and delicate Romantic voices as well as a third manual that seamlessly combines Baroque and Romantic influences. The pedal division offers a broad tonal basis from 32′ stops to brilliant mixtures.

With its tonal flexibility and cross-style characteristics, this organ has an ideal sounding for concert performances at the highest level. It combines historical stylistic elements to create an independent instrument that expresses the diversity and depth of concert hall music in a unique way.

organ pipes
Project Progress
finished in 2016 100%
stop list
I. Rückpositiv
  1. Principal 8′
  2. Gedackt 8′
  3. Quintade 8′
  4. Octave 4′
  5. Violflöte 4′
  6. Sesquialtera II
  7. Superoctave 2′
  8. Quinte 1 1/3′
  9. Scharff IV
  10. Dulcian 16′
  11. Cromorne 8′
II. Hauptwerk
  1. Principal 16′
  2. Principal 8′
  3. Flûte harmonique 8′
  4. Gambe 8′
  5. Bordun 8′
  6. Octave 4′
  7. Blockflöte 4′
  8. Quinte 2 2/3′
  9. Superoctave 2′
  10. Cornett V
  11. Mixtur V
  12. Cymbel III
  13. Trompete 16′
  14. Trompete 8′
III. Positiv
  1. Viola di Pomposa 16′
  2. Suavial 8′
  3. Flûte traversière 8′
  4. Lieblich Gedackt 8′
  5. Aeoline 8′
  6. Fugara 4′
  7. Flûte octaviante 4′
  8. Flautino 2′
  9. Piccolo 1′
  10. Harmonia aetherea III-IV
  11. Cor anglais 16′
  12.  Echotrompete 8′
  13. Voix humaine 8′


IV. Schwellwerk
  1. Bordun 16′
  2. Geigenprincipal 8′
  3. Bordun 8′
  4. Salicional 8′
  5. Voix céleste 8′
  6. Principal 4′
  7. Flauto dolce 4′
  8. Viola 4′
  9. Nassat 2 2/3′
  10. Nachthorn 2′
  11. Terz 1 3/5′
  12.  Progressio IV
  13. Fagott 16′
  14. Trompette harmonique 8′
  15. Oboe d’amore 8′
  16. Clairon 4′


  1. Untersatz 32′
  2. Principal 16′
  3. Subbass 16′
  4. Bordun 16′
  5. Violon 16′
  6. Octavbass 8′
  7. Cello 8′
  8. Bassflöte 8′
  9. Principal 4′
  10. Hohlflöte 4′
  11. Mixtur IV
  12. Contra-Posaune 32′
  13. Posaune 16′
  14. Fagott 16′
  15. Trompete 8′
  16. Clairon 4′