
New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2012

The new organ of the Bardowick Cathedral is a purely mechanical III-manual instrument of 2011 (op. 627) with pedal and a key range for the manuals C – f”’ and in the pedal C – f’ with a total number of sounding 45 stops as well as glockenspiel, birdcalls, cuckoo call and cymbal star.

This organ was developed in the Thuringian baroque style from the sound style of the Eilertus-Köhler organ in Suhl / Kreuzkirche in 1740.

The instrument was placed on the west gallery of the cathedral in the organ case of the Furtwängler organ from 1867, which is worthy of preservation.

The organ case was returned to its original location of 1867 on the gallery.

The pitch is set at 440 Hz at 18 °C. The modified unevenly floating Bach/Kellner tuning was used as the tuning method.

The wind pressure is 83 mmWS for all chests.

organ pipes
Project Progress
finished in 2012 100%
stop list
I. Hauptwerk
  1. Groß Quintadena 16′
  2. Principal 8′
  3. Bordun 8′
  4. Gemshorn 8′
  5. Viola di Gamba 8′
  6. Octava 4′
  7. Quinta 3′
  8. Rohrfloit 4′
  9. Superoctava 2′
  10. Sesquialtera II
  11. Mixtur V
  12. Scharff III
  13.  Dulcian 16′
  14. Trompete 8′
II. Brustwerk
  1. Gedact 8′
  2. Nachthorn 8′
  3. Principal 4′
  4. Gemshorn 4′
  5. Quinta 3′
  6. Tertia 1 3/5′
  7. Octava 2′
  8. Siffloit 1 1/2′
  9. Superoctava 1′
  10. Mixtur IV


III. Oberwerk
  1. Geigenprincipal 8′
  2. Gedact 8′
  3. Fagav 8′
  4. Hohlfloit 8′
  5. Octava 4′
  6. Flaute douce 4′
  7. Nasard 3′
  8. Waldfloit 2′
  9. Cornett V
  10. Mixtur IV-V
  11. Hoboa 8′

Schalenglockenspiel mech.
Vogelgeschrei, Kuckuck

  1. Principalbass 16′
  2. Violonbass 16′
  3. Subbass 16′
  4. Quinta 12′
  5. Octavenbass 8′
  6. Bassflöte 8′
  7. Octava 4′
  8. Posaune 16′
  9. Trompete 8′
  10. Trompete 4′