Berlin Spandau,
St. Marien am Behnitz

New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2003

The new Schuke organ from 2003 (op. 614) in the Marienkirche am Behnitz in Spandau looks huge in the small chapel and also has a full size on II manuals and pedal: 35 stops!

The founder of the organ wanted to provide young organists and students with a practice and concert instrument on which a wide variety of different works from the Renaissance and Baroque to Romantic and modern music can be played.

This organ features a short horizontal reed as well as a reconstruction of the turned recorder Flaut douce from 1702.

Entwurf: Tibor Kiss
organ pipes
Project Progress
finished in 2003 100%
Stop list
I. Hauptwerk
  1. Bordun 16′
  2. Principal 8′
  3. Rohrflöte 8′
  4. Viola di Gamba 8′
  5. Flaut douce 8′
  6. Octave 4′
  7. Spitzflöte 4′
  8. Quinte 2 2/3′
  9. Octave 2′
  10. Cornett V
  11. Mixtur V 2′
  12. Cymbel III
  13. Trompete 8′
II. Schwellwerk
  1. Lieblich Gedackt 16′
  2. Holzprincipal 8′
  3. Praestant 8′
  4. Salicional 8′
  5. Doppelrohrflöte 8′
  6. Quintatön 8′
  7. Octave 4′
  8. Fugara 4′
  9. Nachthorn 4′
  10. Nassat 2 2/3′
  11.  Piccolo 2′
  12. Terz 1 3/5′
  13. Progr. Harmon. IV
  14. Oboe 8′
  15. Fanfaro horizintal 8′


  1. Principal 16′
  2. Subbaß 16′
  3. Octavbaß 8′
  4. Cello 8′
  5. Octave 4′
  6. Posaune 16′
  7. Trompete 8′