
New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2008

In 1604 Heinrich Compenius the Younger built an organ in Magdeburg Cathedral. In 1830 it was replaced by a new case and in 1856 it was replaced by an organ by Adolf Reubke. In 1896 Röver built an organ with 100 stops in the cathedral, which was destroyed in World War II in 1945.

A cock statue from the original Compenius organ was preserved, which is displayed in a showcase at the foot of the organ. Construction of the new Schuke organ in the cathedral began in 2004 and was completed in 2008 (opus 619).

It has 93 stops on IV manuals and pedal, mechanical tone action and electric stop action. Some of the mechanical couplers are supported by Kowalyshyn servo-pneumatic levers (Fisk devices).

The Compenius cock is integrated as a copy in the console and can be removed from the organ by means of an elevator. Only the crowing has to be done by the organist himself at the keys.

The old Schuke organ from 1969 (opus 402) has its place above the Paradise Gate of Magdeburg Cathedral with III manuals and pedal as well as 37 stops. However, there is no coupling between the organs (as in Königsberg or Erfurt Cathedral).

Design: Tibor Kiss

organ pipes
project progress
finished in 2008 100%
stop list
I. Hauptwerk
  1. Principal 16′
  2. Bourdon 16′
  3. Octave 8′
  4. Diapason 8′
  5. Gedackt 8′
  6. Doppelflöte 8′
  7. Gambe 8′
  8. Nassat 5 1/3′
  9. Octave 4′
  10. Hohlflöte 4′
  11. Spitzflöte 4′
  12. Tertia 3 1/5′
  13. Quinte 2 2/3′
  14.  Octave 2′
  15. Cornett V
  16. Mixtur maior V
  17. Mixtur minor IV
  18. Trombone 16′
  19. Trompette 8′
  20. Clairon 4′

II. Positiv
  1. Salicional 16′
  2. Quintatön 16′
  3.  Principal 8′
  4. Rohrflöte 8′
  5. Cor de nuit 8′
  6. Viola 8′
  7. Fugara 8′
  8. Vox celestis 8′
  9. Octave 4′
  10. Traversflöte 4′
  11.  Fugara 4′
  12. Nassat 2 2/3′
  13. Octave 2′
  14. Piccolo 2′
  15. Echocornett III 2′
  16. Harmonia aetherea III-IV
  17. Englischhorn 16′
  18. Trompete 8′
  19. Klarinette 8′
  20. Cromorne 8′
  21. Chamade 8′
III. Schwellwerk
  1. Bordun 16′
  2. Principal 8′
  3. Bordun 8′
  4. Flûte traversière 8′
  5. Voce umana 8′
  6. Viola di Gamba 8′
  7. Voix céleste 8′
  8. Octave 4′
  9. Viola 4′
  10. Flûte octaviante 4′
  11. Flöte 4′
  12. Nazard 2 2/3′
  13. Quarte de Nazard 2′
  14. Tierce 1 3/5′
  15. Larigo 1 1/3′
  16. Sifflet 1′
  17. Progressio III_V 2′
  18. Bombarde 16′
  19. Aeoline 16′
  20. Trompette 8′
  21. Voix humaine 8′
  22. Hautbois 8′
  23. Clairon 4′


IV. Solowerk
  1. Doppelprincipal 8′
  2. Flûte harmonique 8′
  3. Seraphon 8′
  4. Cornett VI 16′
  5. Clarinette 8′
  6. Tuba mirabilis 8′
  1. Principal 32′
  2. Untersatz 32′
  3. Octave 16′
  4. Violon 16′
  5. Subbass 16′
  6. Kontrabass 16′
  7. Zartbass 16′ (Transm.)
  8. Quinte 10 2/3′
  9. Octave 8′
  10. Flöte 8′
  11. Gedackt 8′
  12. Cello 8′
  13. Cello piano 8′
  14. Terz 6 2/5′
  15. Nassat 5 1/3′
  16. Octave 4′
  17. Flöte 4′
  18. Flöte 2′
  19. Contrabombarde 32′
  20. Bombarde 16′
  21. Fagott 16′
  22. Trompete 8′
  23. Clairon 4′