
New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2006

Impressed by the organ inspection in Erfurt Cathedral in 2005, the master builder from Kaliningrad (Russia) commissioned the Alexander Schuke company to also build an “organ complex” consisting of two concert organs in Königsberg Cathedral.

The choir organ directly at the orchestra podium was completed in 2006 and has 32 stops for two manuals and pedal (op.616). The mechanical console of the organ, however, has four manuals and pedal and 122 electric register switches, because it can also be used to play the main organ (op. 618), completed in 2008, with IV manuals and pedal and 90 registers.

It is also possible to play the choir organ from the main organ or to give a concert for two organs with one organist at each organ.

The choir organ is freestanding in the first yoke to the south nave with marquetry on the back wall.

organ pipes
Project Progress
finished in 2006 100%
stop list
II. Hauptwerk
  1. Principal 8′
  2. Bordun 16′
  3. Bordun 8′
  4. Octave 4′
  5. Hohlflöte 4′
  6. Nassat 2 2/3′
  7. Octave 2′
  8. Cornett III
  9. Scharff IV
  10. Fagott 8′
  11. Clairon 4′
III. Schwellwerk
  1. Praestant 8′
  2. Portunalflöte 8′
  3. Gambe 8′
  4. Gedackt 8′
  5. Traversflöte 8′
  6. Flaut douce 8′
  7. Octave 4′
  8. Traversflöte 4′
  9. Sesquialtera II 2 2/3′
  10.  Piccolo 2′
  11. Progress harm. IV
  12. Dulcian 16′
  13. Cromorne 8′
  1. Subbaß 16′
  2. Principal 8′
  3. Gambe 8′
  4. Gedackt 8′
  5. Octave 4′
  6. Rauschpfeife III
  7. Fagott 16′
  8. Trompete 8′