Maria Inmaculada

New organ, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 2009

The musical concept for the new organ in the church “Maria Inmaculada” in Cuernavaca (Mexico) is primarily intended for liturgical use, so that the alternate singing between the congregation and the clergy can be accompanied in a colourful way on both manuals.

The pedal gives the organ the foundation in the bass and also opens up the possibility to let the cantus firmus (the melody part) emerge in a drawing.

It was completed in 2009 as opus 624 with 2 manuals, pedal and 8 stops with electric key and stop action and the console on the side gallery near the altar.

It turned out to be particularly important that all wooden parts were treated against termite infestation, since the church is located directly above a large termite building.

organ pipes
Project Progress
finished in 2009 100%
stop list
I. Hauptwerk
  1. Principal 4′
  2. Gedackt 8′
  3. Mixtur III
II. Oberwerk
  1. Rohrflöte 8′
  2. Nachthorn 4′
  3. Sequialtera II
  4. Principal 2′

  1. Subbass 16′

Koppeln: I/II, I/P, II/P
