
Restoration of the Wagner organ from 1722-25, Alexander Schuke Orgelbau GmbH, 1999

The historic Wagner organ from 1725 was built by Joachim Wagner (1690-1749) as a famous regional organ builder (“Silbermann von Brandenburg”).

It is still almost completely original and has already been restored three times by our company in order to preserve the existence and playability of the organ with II manuals and pedal as well as 33 sounding stops.

The tone and stop action is purely mechanical and, as on almost all Wagner organs, a cymbal star is built in.

With its magnificent façade, the organ rises above the stained glass rosette Schinkel incorporated into the partition wall. The bass pipes are carried by the patrons as atlases in swinging risalites.

Project Progress
finished in 1999 100%
stop list
I. Hauptwerk
  1. Principal 8′
  2. Bordun 16′
  3. Viola di Gamba 8′
  4. Rohrflöte 8′
  5. Quintadena 8′
  6. Octav 4′
  7. Spitzflöte 4′
  8. Quinta 3′
  9. Octav 2′
  10. Cornett V
  11. Scharff V
  12.  Cimbel III
  13. Trompete 8′
II. Oberwerk
  1. Principal 8′
  2. Quintadena 16′
  3. Salicional 8′
  4. Gedackt 8′
  5. Octav 4′
  6. Rohrflöte 4′
  7. Nassat 3′
  8. Octav 2′
  9. Tertia 2′
  10. Sifflöte 1′
  11.  Mixtur IV
  12. Vox humana 8′
  1. Principal 16′
  2. Violon 16′
  3. Gemshorn 8′
  4. Quinta 6′
  5. Octav 4′
  6. Mixtur VI
  7. Posaune 16′
  8. Trompete 8′

Spielhilfen: Ventile (zum Hauptwerk, Oberwerk, Pedal), Tremulant, Cymbelsterne, Calcantenglocke
